Friday 14 September 2012


                                     HOW TO DRAW-BASICS
When drawing with pencil, different pressures give you different looks in your drawing. You should take your time when drawing. If You want to be the best in drawing you should spend at least an hour doing drawing each day. 
There are many different types of pencils with different hardnesses and different thickness.

                        This is the most common method of holding your pencil. 
The above is probably the way you hold it when you are writing.
There are two basic ways to hold the pencil and I recommend you practice using both techniques. Below shows the other one.
Exercise 1
1. Just draw a whole bunch of straight lines as shown below.
2. Vary them and make them different in lengths and distances apart as you do this. 
3. The grain of the pencil and notice how thick the lines are. 
4. As you draw more lines the pencil tip will blunt and the lines will become thicker. 
    This is an important thing to remember.
2. Now do some crosshatching lines like that shown below. This is a very important technique for drawing. Getting good at this will make a big difference in your drawing ability. 

 The closer together you put the lines the darker the image will be. This is very important.
Continue practising the following drawings.
'Square Lines'

                             Circles (Vary the sizes)

Hard and Soft Line drawing 
Now draw some freestyle lines and focus on how hard you press down with the pencil. Do soft and do hard and do a lot of variations in between.

Experiment with the Pencil 
Now do some freestyle experimentation and draw lots of different lines. Try little squiggles and checkmarks and even do a little bit of shading. See how much variety you can get out of the pencil.

                                          squiggles                          shading

Special gratitude to

Types of Pencils

                                  IMAGINATIVE DRAWING
Almost everything we see around us was imagined by someone. Imagination is the generator of dreams. To all philosophers, scientists and artists the key components of their brilliance is imagination. It is the ability to see the image of  hidden objects.  

Example of Imaginative Invention.
Mood perfume: It would be handy to have a perfume that changed odor at will. While with friends I could smell like fresh baked cookies, if someone tried to kidnap me I could smell so horrible that they would all pass out ensuring my escape. When on a date I could smell hmm..... perhaps like cookies again.

Imaginative Drawing

Imaginative drawing is drawing something you have never seen before with your naked eyes. In this type of drawing, we are able to express our ideas and our feelings.

All things that were made in the world was never existing before it was made. Those who invented it thought creatively.
We can express our ideas in the following moments:
* Stories
* Future aspirations
* Dreams-both at night and when we are planning to do something.
* Road Safety
* HIV aids in our community
* Cultural problems
* A Community Without Portable Water.

*Exercise 2
Discuss and Draw
1.  A community without portable water and health care.

*Exercise 1

Imagine and Draw
Ama Imagines that a newly constructed road which does not have a Zebra Crossing can cause moving vehicles to knockdown and kill pupils. So Ama decides to draw from imagination a road with a zebra crossing of which pupils who have closed from school are about to use.

                                    LETTER COLLE
All letters are made up of alphabets. There are 26 letters in the alphabet. In Letter Colle, you basically cut out pieces of text from magazines, news papers, comic books or elsewhere to make up a text picture. You can cut out texts to write your name. We express our ideas when we make letter colle artworks. We also communicate when we make letter colle works.
In letter colle, we crop, but we do not trim.
Que. What is cropping in cutting?
Ans. When we crop we either cut a square shape or rectangular shape around an image.
                                     An example of Letter Colle.
                           PHOTO MONTAGE
The process and result of making a photo artwork by cutting and joining a number of other pictures and glueing them on a background. In photo montage, normally, you apply both the trimming and cropping operation. Cropping means you either cut a square or a rectangular shape around the object and trimming is when you cut the outline of the object. To get a photo Montage work done you glue these cut out pictures onto a background. The most important thing in this work is for you to choose a THEME, on which you would build your artwork or picture.

Elements of design are the foundations of which art and design is based on. Even everything in the world has all or some elements of design associated to its creation. Frottage has something to do with one of the elements of design called TEXTURE.

Texture: is how a surface feels and looks. Some textures are rough others are smooth, some look rough but they are actually smooth when touched. Frottage is the type of texture which looks rough but feels smooth when touched. 
Frottage is when you rub the back of a sheet of paper placed on a textured surface with a writing or drawing tool, such as a pencil or crayon to transfer the texture on the surface onto the paper.


Figure Drawing-Body
Stick Figure






                                 MEMORY DRAWING
              This means drawing something you have seen before.

It could be on TV or a movie, but the best is when you have seen with your own NAKED eyes.
It is possible you know how a bicycle looks like. But you cannot draw Uncle Jeremiah’s bicycle  very well from your memory because you have NOT SEEN MY BICYCLE BEFORE.

In order to draw very well from your memory, you need to be a GOOD OBSERVER. A good observer is someone who looks at things VERY CAREFULLY, and can tell the height, colour, shape, size and all characteristics of objects; or someone who can  give a good description of where he/she has been before.

Exercise 1
Discuss and draw on the board what can be seen in a hospital.
Exercises 2
Draw what you can see at the market place.

                             IMAGINATIVE DRAWING

Drawing something you have never seen before with your naked eyes. When you draw something you have never seen with your naked eyes or draw something you have never done before it is called Imaginative Drawing.
(a)  older and working  as a ship captain?
(b)  as a doctor checking a heartbeat with a stethoscopes?
(c)  a product designer
(d)  living in your dream house, 
(e)  can you imagine what would happen if there were diseases or wars in Ghana?
(h)  can you imagine yourself voting for president?
(i)   a fashion designer? 

Exercise 1
* Draw and colour yourself in your future career state. 

             Pattern Making 
We use Elements of Art when making designs and  patterns. In Primary 1 we learnt that: Design: is when you make something in an artistic way and a  pattern: is when you repeat a design several times. Now, in making Patterns, we also use elements of art. Even human beings were created using the Elements of Art. The elements of art are also called Elements of Design.

Elements of Design
Dot:  ....

A line is created when you place the tip of your writing tool (pencil, pen, marker, etc) at one point and you move it to another point to make a mark.
  • Vertical line
  • Horizontal Line
  • Curved Line
  • Zigzag Line
  • Diagonal Line
When you start drawing a line and you join the two open ends, you form a shape. There are two types of shapes:
Regular Shapes
  • Triangle
  • Rectangle
  • Oval
  • Square
  • Circle
Irregular Shape

Form is a three-dimensional figure (sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, etc.) as opposed to a shape, which is two-dimensional, or flat. Form is considered three-dimensional (3D) showing height, width and depth.

Space refers to the distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece. (There are two types of space: positive and negative space).

The texture is the quality of a surface. The surface could be either rough, smooth or any definition suitable.


Colour is defined as hue. Hue is the colour you see when u look at an object. Colour is hue.
  • Primary Colours
Red, yellow and blue are the primary colors. Primary colors are the most basic colors. You can't make them by mixing any other colors.
  • Secondary Colours
Orange, green and purple are the secondary colors. A secondary color is made by mixing two primary colors. For instance, if you mix red and yellow, you get orange.
The Color Wheel
A color wheel shows how colors are related. On a color wheel, each secondary color is between the primary colors that are used to make it. Orange is between red and yellow because orange is made by mixing red with yellow. What goes between secondary colors and primary colors? Intermediate, or tertiary, colors are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color that is next to it.
Other Facts about Colour: 
Complementary Colours | Analogous Colours | Neutral Colours | Cool Colours  | Warm Colours  

Value: Tints & Shades

The lightness or darkness of a color is called its value. You can find the values of a color by making its tints and shades.

Tints are light values that are made by mixing a color with white. For example, pink is a tint of red, and light blue is a tint of blue.
Shades are dark values that are made by mixing a color with black. Maroon is a shade of red, and navy is a shade of blue.

Size refers to variations in the proportions of objects, lines or shapes. 

No matter how good or bad a painting is, they still contain Elements of Design.

 Main Topic: 
                                                  PULLED STRING PATTERN

A pulled string pattern is created when you dip a thread in a colour solution holding one end, pulling it out and dropping the thread with colour in-between folded paper and pulling the excess thread after pressing the back of the folded paper flat.

You can Make two colour, three or more colour pulled string patterns on paper. All you have to do is to wait for your work to dry during each level of operation.

                                                    CRAYON RESIST

The principle that wax resist water. Crayon is made from wax and colour additives called pigment. so crayon is made from wax and pigment. When you colour the surface of a sheet of paper with thick layers of crayon, the crayon protects the surface of your paper from getting wet with water.

You can create a colourful design or pattern with thick layers of crayon on your paper and apply a solution of poster colour on to your work, the crayon would resist the solution of colour colouring your paper leaving a very beautiful artwork.

Make sure you decide on what to do. Make sure your crayon strokes are also very thick and lastly make sure your work is made up of bright colours like pink, yellow, orange, sea blue, and others.

                                    PATTERN MAKING -STENCIL

A stencil is a thin sheet of material, such as paper, plastic, or metal, with letters or a design cut from it, used to produce the letters or design on an underlying surface by applying pigment through the cut-out holes in the material. The key advantage of a stencil is that it can be reused to repeatedly and rapidly produce the same letters or design. 

You dab the pigment with a soft cotton fabric or foam to transfer the design.To dab means to tap gently.  You pick colour mixed with water or the required solvent in bowl with this soft fabric and you tap gently or dab on top of your stencil which is placed on top of a surface in order to transfer this shape of the stencil onto the surface.

Parts of a Stencil

Drawing means making marks on a surface to create an image or a shape. To draw you need to move the nib of your pencil from one point to another. There are types of drawings, below shows examples of few of them:

1. Cartoon drawing                2.  Figure Drawing      3. Portrait Drawing
4. Sketch                                 5. Outline                      6. Architectural Drawing

Materials on Which We Draw
Sketch Pad, etc.

This is means drawing the shape of an object without drawing details.The outline of an object is also the shape of the object.


The use of lines, dots, shapes  and colour.

To create patterns, texture and designs on folded paper. 
  • You need an A4 size paper. 
  • The paper is first folded on the long side 

  • After which the paper is folded in a concertina.

    The paper is then folded on the diagonal side.

  • The paper is unwrapped and spread out to receive variety of patterns and designs made with crayons.


A monoprint is a single print of an image from a plate. In mono printing the images cannot be reproduced to make them look exactly as each other, that is why it is called Mono, meaning single.
In mono printing, the artwork is done on a plate after which a paper is placed on top and pressed weight enough to press to transfer the design onto the paper.

Photo Credit:
Poto Credit:

Watch this video on Mono Print:


Colour means Hue. Hue means a particular shade of colour.
For example the hue of a fresh leaf is green.

Meaning of Some Colours

Main Types of Colour

1. Primary Colours
These are the mother of all colours. They are Red, Yellow,  and Blue. You cannot mix any other two or more colours to create these colours, so they are called primary colours.

2. Secondary Colours
These are colours we get when we mix 2 primary colours. They are: Green, Orange and Purple.
*Red  + Blue = Purple
*Red  + Yellow =Orange
*Blue + Yellow =Green

Other Groups of Colours
Warm Colours
Red, Orange, yellow and their combinations.

Cool Colours
Blue, green, purple and their combinations.

Neutral Colours 
Black, white, Grey, Dark, Dark Brown

Value means how light or dark colour is.

Tint & Shades
Tint means adding colour white to a pure colour. In tinting, you reduce the value of the colour.
                        BLUE+WHITE=SKY BLUE /BABY BLUE

Shade means adding colour black to a pure colour. When you shade a pure colour you add colour black to it.
                        BLUE+BLACK= NAVY BLUE

How to Colour
Parts of a brush

The handle of a brush is most often made from wood that's painted and/or varnished, but it can also be made from plastic or bamboo. 

1. Bristles/hairs are in a brush. It is the part that you pick colours with to paint.

2. The ferrule is the part that holds the handle and hairs together, and in shape. It's usually made from metal, but not exclusively.

3. The toe of a brush is the very end of the bristles.

4. The heel is where the bristles go into the ferrule at the end of the handle. 

5. The belly is, as the name would suggest, the fattest part of a brush. (It's most obvious on a round brush, rather than a flat one.) A substantial belly on a round watercolor brush enables you to pick up a large quantity of paint at a time.

How to Colour
1. You use a small brush to paint delicate and small areas.

2. Use a big brush to paint large areas.

3. Never pick colour from a poster colour container with your brush if you have already used it to pick colour.

4. Always wash your brush clean in your container of water before using it to pick another colour.

5. Mix your colours on your colour palette

Thursday 13 September 2012



Preparatory Stage

Everything  around us  has a shape. A shape is drawn using a line. A line is made when you move the tip of your writing or drawing tool from one point to another. An example of a drawing tool is a pencil and crayon.

Types of Lines
The are 5 types of lines. All the things we see around us can be drawn using these lines.

  A shape is a closed line.

Types of Shapes

 (A) Regular or Basic Shape and     (B) Irregular Shape

                                      (A)  Regular Shapes (Basic Shapes)
Below shows the basic shapes that make up most of the other shapes we find around us.

                                      (B)  Irregular Shapes
                                      Any shape that is not a Regular shape is an Irregular Shape.


                                          DOODLING(MAIN LESSON)

Doodling means drawing a continuous line that crosses itself several times to create shapes.


You have to take note that the shapes created are either Regular or Irregular Shapes.

(a) Make a Doodle
(b) Identify the regular shapes in your doodle and colour them in different colours.


(a) Make a Doodle
(b) Identify the irregular shapes in your doodle and colour them in different colours.

                                             LESSON 2-MAIN TOPIC-TEMPLATES

How to Colour Your Traced Out Objects

1. Colour in one direction.

2. Colour uniformly / that means you colour without leaving patches.

3. Colour within the boundary of your shape.

Below Shows The Three Wrong ways of Colouring a Shape

Correct Way of Colouring
Colouring is in 1 direction (horizontally), there are no white patches and the colour work has been done within the shape of the circle, they have not crossed the outline.

A template is the shape of an object that is cut out from a hard flat material like a paper card used for tracing.

This is when you draw the shape of an object using a template.You trace by drawing along the shape of your template with your pencil onto a sheet of paper.

Shapes used to make templates can either be man made or natural. Man made things include tables, chairs, cars and many more. Natural shapes can be the shape of a leaf, dog, fish and many more.
Below Shows a Template.

WEEK 5/6

                                              DESIGN & PATTERNS
To design is when you make something in an artistic way. Artistic way means you make something which is different from any other persons own. When you design you do not copy other people's work. You create from your own mind. You can look at other peoples work to help you generate ideas. It is called DRAWING INSPIRATION. Those who copy exactly other peoples work and make them their own are thieves.

*To make a pattern, you need to repeat a design several times. You can use man made and natural objects to make a design. You can arrange stones, leafs and even human beings to create a design. Below shows human beings arranged and repeated to form designs and patterns.

Performers line up during a dress rehearsal of the World Cup 2010 opening
ceremony in Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday. Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

If you want to make a design on paper, you would have to use the following elements.

                                            Lines    |     Dots    |    Shapes   |   Colour

                                      Below shows a Design
*Identify the lines,shapes,colour and dots in the design above.

Pattern (Balanced Pattern)

 Non Balanced Pattern


                                             Memory Drawing 
Memory drawing is when we draw something we have seen before: It can be that we saw it with:               
                       (a)  our naked eyes,
                       (b)  on TV 
                       (c)  in a magazine 
                       (d)  comic book or a story book
                       (e)  on a computer

When we draw from our memory,it means we bring back a picture of what we have already seen before. If you want to memorize something very well, you need to be a good observer. Good observers are people like you who look at things very carefully. Very carefully so that in the future they can remember and tell someone or draw what they saw or what they learnt. 

                                            Imaginative Drawing
Photo Credit:

Imagination is when you think about something that you have never seen before.
Imaginative drawing is when you draw something you have never seen before. All the things we see around us,including living and non living things at first were not in the world. Someone imagined it, and made it. Everything in the world was imagined.

                                              Direct Print
Photo Credit: 
Direct print is done by painting a textured surface with colour and pressing it onto another surface to transfer the texture onto the surface.

Surfaces on which these prints can be done include walls,paper,cloth and even on our skin. Paints used to paint our skin are special paints. You need to ask permission from your parents or art teacher before applying them to your skin. We can use man made or natural objects with textured surfaces to make direct prints. Natural things include tree barks, leaves,our palm,cut open fruits,vegetables and many more. Man made things include tennis ball,the outsole of a shoe, coin and many more.

If we want to be smart and creative people who solve problems in their lives, we need to be good observers. Good observers are the people who solve problems in our society. Most of all the inventors were very good observers. They saw a problems by looking carefully and created solutions to them. When we are drawing objects we need to become good observers.

A good observer is a person who looks at things carefully. Good observers look at these things when they are looking at objects. First they look at:

                    (a) Shape      (b) Colour    (c)  Texture   (d) Size   (e) Height

When observing objects to draw,in order to show how good we are as observers we need to draw boldly.

Photo Credit: 

We play with different materials we pick from our surroundings,wood,paper,plastic packages,fabric,cans,tins and many more. We can also use materials to make objects such as houses,mobile phones,aeroplanes and kites. We cut join,glue,and wrap when we construct. We can also,tear papers and cards with our hands to make certain objects we desire to make.