Friday 14 September 2012


                                     HOW TO DRAW-BASICS
When drawing with pencil, different pressures give you different looks in your drawing. You should take your time when drawing. If You want to be the best in drawing you should spend at least an hour doing drawing each day. 
There are many different types of pencils with different hardnesses and different thickness.

                        This is the most common method of holding your pencil. 
The above is probably the way you hold it when you are writing.
There are two basic ways to hold the pencil and I recommend you practice using both techniques. Below shows the other one.
Exercise 1
1. Just draw a whole bunch of straight lines as shown below.
2. Vary them and make them different in lengths and distances apart as you do this. 
3. The grain of the pencil and notice how thick the lines are. 
4. As you draw more lines the pencil tip will blunt and the lines will become thicker. 
    This is an important thing to remember.
2. Now do some crosshatching lines like that shown below. This is a very important technique for drawing. Getting good at this will make a big difference in your drawing ability. 

 The closer together you put the lines the darker the image will be. This is very important.
Continue practising the following drawings.
'Square Lines'

                             Circles (Vary the sizes)

Hard and Soft Line drawing 
Now draw some freestyle lines and focus on how hard you press down with the pencil. Do soft and do hard and do a lot of variations in between.

Experiment with the Pencil 
Now do some freestyle experimentation and draw lots of different lines. Try little squiggles and checkmarks and even do a little bit of shading. See how much variety you can get out of the pencil.

                                          squiggles                          shading

Special gratitude to

Types of Pencils

                                  IMAGINATIVE DRAWING
Almost everything we see around us was imagined by someone. Imagination is the generator of dreams. To all philosophers, scientists and artists the key components of their brilliance is imagination. It is the ability to see the image of  hidden objects.  

Example of Imaginative Invention.
Mood perfume: It would be handy to have a perfume that changed odor at will. While with friends I could smell like fresh baked cookies, if someone tried to kidnap me I could smell so horrible that they would all pass out ensuring my escape. When on a date I could smell hmm..... perhaps like cookies again.

Imaginative Drawing

Imaginative drawing is drawing something you have never seen before with your naked eyes. In this type of drawing, we are able to express our ideas and our feelings.

All things that were made in the world was never existing before it was made. Those who invented it thought creatively.
We can express our ideas in the following moments:
* Stories
* Future aspirations
* Dreams-both at night and when we are planning to do something.
* Road Safety
* HIV aids in our community
* Cultural problems
* A Community Without Portable Water.

*Exercise 2
Discuss and Draw
1.  A community without portable water and health care.

*Exercise 1

Imagine and Draw
Ama Imagines that a newly constructed road which does not have a Zebra Crossing can cause moving vehicles to knockdown and kill pupils. So Ama decides to draw from imagination a road with a zebra crossing of which pupils who have closed from school are about to use.

                                    LETTER COLLE
All letters are made up of alphabets. There are 26 letters in the alphabet. In Letter Colle, you basically cut out pieces of text from magazines, news papers, comic books or elsewhere to make up a text picture. You can cut out texts to write your name. We express our ideas when we make letter colle artworks. We also communicate when we make letter colle works.
In letter colle, we crop, but we do not trim.
Que. What is cropping in cutting?
Ans. When we crop we either cut a square shape or rectangular shape around an image.
                                     An example of Letter Colle.
                           PHOTO MONTAGE
The process and result of making a photo artwork by cutting and joining a number of other pictures and glueing them on a background. In photo montage, normally, you apply both the trimming and cropping operation. Cropping means you either cut a square or a rectangular shape around the object and trimming is when you cut the outline of the object. To get a photo Montage work done you glue these cut out pictures onto a background. The most important thing in this work is for you to choose a THEME, on which you would build your artwork or picture.

Elements of design are the foundations of which art and design is based on. Even everything in the world has all or some elements of design associated to its creation. Frottage has something to do with one of the elements of design called TEXTURE.

Texture: is how a surface feels and looks. Some textures are rough others are smooth, some look rough but they are actually smooth when touched. Frottage is the type of texture which looks rough but feels smooth when touched. 
Frottage is when you rub the back of a sheet of paper placed on a textured surface with a writing or drawing tool, such as a pencil or crayon to transfer the texture on the surface onto the paper.


Figure Drawing-Body
Stick Figure






  1. ok this was really helpful thanks

  2. Well done bro
    It has been helpful
    Im also a cretive art crusader

  3. Well done bro
    It has been helpful
    Im also a cretive art crusader

  4. Kudos fellow designer, this has been very helpful and just like Oliver Twist, we ask for more. Thank you.

  5. Great Sir. This just helped my kid bro in preparation towards His exam. You can make this big to cover a wider area. Kudos

  6. This is amazing I love it. Good job.

  7. This helped me in teaching my year 3 pupils. Well done man! But kindly add more topics

  8. Well done bro it has been helpful I'm also a creative art crusader

  9. Very helpful .God bless you

  10. Thank you very much...This just helped me with my sister's homework

  11. Thank you very much it's helped my child in his homework

  12. What are the ways letter colle can be arranged?
